My Skills Inventory
The Skills Inventory is the foundation for building a meaningful Skills-Based Education Plan. Students use this dynamic document to catalog and compare current skills with their chosen career, which gives them an opportunity to evaluate what industry-specific skills they need to acquire to reach their career objectives and to formulate a plan for how to build those skills.
MY 10-year plan Summary
As a key artifact of the® process, the learner’s 10-Year Plan Summary provides a shareable snapshot of their dreams, goals, and plans. The 10-Year Plan Summary is both a touchstone that helps the learner remain focused and an effective means of sharing their plans with counselors, instructors, advisors, employers, and family members.
Career Interest Survey
Choosing a career path is probably the second-most important decision anyone makes. After all, for most people work absorbs fifty percent (or more) of their waking hours for up to 40 years. The Career Interest Survey provides a structure that helps students research any possible career path of interest. Building on information available through O*NET, the Career Interest Survey drills down on several specifics, giving students a solid understanding of what it takes to obtain a position in their chosen field.
Personal Profile Bullseye Chart
Getting what you want starts with knowing who you are. This principle of self-discovery is addressed through the Personal Profile activities where students enumerate what makes them unique: their passions, values, strengths, skills, and aptitudes.® then creates a digital bullseye chart.
Digital Coach
While® gives students autonomy to make their own decisions and map out their own path, they often need some extra coaching at critical points along the way in order to learn the whys, whats, and hows involved with career and life planning. We’ve been in the business of helping students achieve their dreams since 1990, so there are decades of experience behind the additional coaching the system provides students as they work through the planning process.